Angel Note

Angel Note
"If Music be the food of Love, Play on!" -- Wm. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Good Crowd

This morning at the prison, we were finished with choir practice and waiting for the worship service to start. As we do this, we have the chance to visit with our guest speakers and the members of the bishopric. Our speakers today just returned from a mission to Brazil. They sang part of a song in Portuguese, so we did not need our choir to sing, which was good, because we didn't have a song prepared.

The inmates started filing in, and I noticed toward the end of the line that, like last week, we seemed to have a few more men attending than usual. I commented, "Wow, looks like a pretty good crowd."

Without missing a beat, the last inmate going through the door turned and said, "Actually, we're a very BAD crowd!" He turned and went into the chapel, accompanied by the chuckles from everyone still in the hall.

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