Angel Note

Angel Note
"If Music be the food of Love, Play on!" -- Wm. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Viva la Resolution!

My sister Delirious has now authored a couple of blog posts about New Year's Resolutions.
I have decided that since I was actually able to accomplish one of my resolutions last year, I already had a great idea for this year.
I hereby resolve to do my utmost to accomplish at least one of the resolutions during 2010 that I did not achieve in 2009. That's it.
Part of this stems from the desire to finish what I started, but mostly, from the fact that there is a great amount of personal power that comes from achieving resolutions. We should all start small and work our way up to the biggies. Don't resolve to lose 50 lbs. if you know deep down you will lose 5 then gain 10 back. It is a self-defeating resolution, then you feel bad because you didn't accomplish your goal. Start with something you know you will do.

Last year, I resolved to finish writing my symphony (if you haven't heard it, perhaps I will share it with you). I was already into the writing stage of this, so all I had to do was finish it and have it performed. Done. The earth didn't move for anyone but me, since I had the pleasure (?) of conducting it myself. Our brass players had not practiced. At all. It showed. Horribly. But that was only one of four movements. The rest went fairly well.
I experienced a great amount of joy in finishing that task, and I thank the Lord for the privilege of having been a part of something like that. Now, I know I can accomplish things, so I believe I will move on to other projects. Who knows? My book? Exercise? Diet? I'll tell you next January...