Angel Note

Angel Note
"If Music be the food of Love, Play on!" -- Wm. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Friday, December 18, 2009

Calling for Prayers

Those of my readers who are not related to me (whichever one or two you are) don't know my wife, Ladybug, but all my siblings and other family may not be aware that she has been very sick lately. She eats less all day than mom or dad eat in one meal. That should tell you how bed this is. And for those wondering, no, it is NOT anorexia. She has stomach problems which have been playing havoc with her appetite and weight, etc. In the last week, I think she has probably lost at least 10 lbs.
I am very scared right now, and am asking all of you to keep her in your prayers. The doctors still don't know how to help her, and she is going to be scheduling an upper G. I. to see if they can find out anything more. Please pray that not only will the doctors be able to find out what to do, but that she will be able to find a way to eat what she needs to maintain her health and strength.
Thanks - Giggles


Delirious said...

I'm glad she is having the upper GI. When will they do that?

Can she stomach protein shakes, or Ensure? I would encourage her to eat anything that she can eat, even if it isn't the healthiest of foods. Like, if she can eat ice cream, then eat it just to keep up her strength!

Nene said...

I agree with Delirious about the Ensure. There's also Boost. When I was in the hospital and taking so many painkillers, I had absolutely NO appetite. The nurses made me drink Ensure twice a day. If I did that, they were happy. Let us know her results of the upper GI. Has she ever had her gall bladder out? If not she could have a "sick" gall bladder. Wendy had one and never had pains, just nausea.