Angel Note

Angel Note
"If Music be the food of Love, Play on!" -- Wm. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Musical Pillows?

So I have been missing more sleep lately than usual, due to getting home late from our school musical practices and performances. This is fairly normal. What isn't normal, is the fact that I also have classes in the evenings at the college.

Today, while GIVING A VOICE LESSON, I actually FELL ASLEEP WHILE PLAYING THE PIANO! Alright, I really just drifted off for a second, but still. My student didn't say anything, so i don't think I was taking a nap or anything, but I suddenly found myself telling her something about the song. That isn't bad, but the fact that what i told her made ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WHATSOEVER, could be. She didn't comment, but I sat there for just a second trying to figure out what it was I had dreamed for that fraction of a second that I felt was important. Then I realized it was just nonsense, so went on with the remainder of the lesson.
I've learned my lesson, though. From now on I will try harder to get enough sleep so I don't skijh mremnv o n oenjng ouiel gopn  pfinfkb...zzzzzzzzzzzzz...............


Delirious said...

I've fallen asleep at the computer lol. I also fell asleep during a discussion once when I was sick. Happens to the best of us. lol

Nene said...

I've fallen asleep at the piano before too. Like you said, just for a second, but embarassing all the same.

Stick said...

Welcome to my World!

Amber said...

you poor thing, I can't believe you were asleep but still trying to carry on a discussion!

Native Minnow said...

On Friday I was awake for a full 24 hours. Then I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep that night. Yesterday I went to a movie, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I think I dozed off ten different times. Needless to say, I have no idea what the plot of the movie was.