Angel Note

Angel Note
"If Music be the food of Love, Play on!" -- Wm. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Windfall Leaf Me Alone!

So I spent several hours in the last week outside in my yard with my leaf-blower. Several hours, and I am not even close to being finished yet. At least all the leaves are now on one side of my yard, even though they are all in a big pile. Sorry, a BIG pile. Oh, excuse me, A GINORMOUS PILE! I always wanted a wall next to my sidewalk, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind.

  The problem is, I only have one tree. It is a cottonless cottonwood, so the leaves are big, but that isn't the problem either. The main problem is I have no fence around my yard, and neither do my neighbors. The neighbors with 18-20 cottonwoods around their house. THEIR lawn looks pretty good. They do have a riding lawnmower that basically vacuums up the leaves, but the main reason their lawn looks so good is that all their leaves blow across the street into MY yard!
These are good people, but it annoys me to have to clean up after THEIR trees every fall. I don't even want to clean up MY leaves, but now it takes me days of working, and about a dozen leaf bags before my yard looks normal again. Oh well, since the previous owner of this house used the CHEAPEST PVC available for the irrigation system and did NOT install drains, I keep having my lines break, so I don't actually have a LAWN anyway! The plus side is that if I could put a fence around my yard to keep the leaves out, it's already to zero-scape....


Delirious said...

We have a silver maple, and a fruitless pear that dump HUGE amounts of leaves in our back yard. I'm feeling your pain...

Nene said...

You could be mean and blow them back across the street into their yard with your leaf blower. But see? You are nice. You just pick them up. I pick up the cigarette butts my neighbor throws into my yard and throw them back. :0+